International Coral Reef Society

International Coral Reef Society
European Chapter
The International Coral Reef Society (ICRS) is the principal association to which coral reef scientists, managers and enthusiasts from across the world belong. Its mission is to promote the acquisition and dissemination of scientific knowledge to secure coral reefs for future generations. Its vision is to be a leader in coral reef scientific discovery, to contribute to the education of future coral reef scientists, and to be a strong voice for science informing policies that protect coral reefs.
Visit the website: coralreefs.org
The overall aim of the Chapter is to pursue in Europe and among coral reef scientists based in or visiting Europe, the missions and objectives of the International Coral Reef Society (ICRS). A particular aim is to organize and promote the European Coral Reef Symposia at four-year intervals, based in European countries and open to an international audience.
Visit the website: www.icrseurope.eu