The call is open!

Do not miss your chance to be a part of ECRS 2024 and submit your abstract before December 16th!


  • Lessons from the Past to Inform the Future
  • Coral Reef Structure and Functioning
  • Biology and Ecology of Holobionts in Coral Reefs
  • Global Climate Change and Environmental Stressors
  • Coral Reef Anthropic Pressures, Conservation and Restoration
  • Community-Based Monitoring and Ecosystem-Based Management
  • Shallow Temperate Reefs
  • Mesophotic and Cold-Water Coral Ecosystems
  • Technological and Methodological Innovation in Underwater Surveys and Data Analysis
  • Coral Reefs Under a Socio-Economic Perspective
  • Beyond Corals and Fishes – Evolution and Biodiversity of Neglected Reef Taxa
  • The Ocean Decade: The Science We Need for the Coral Reefs We Want

How to submit

  • Create your account on the Conftool submission platform
  • Click on “Your submissions”
  • Choose the topic of your abstract and fill out the form